Archived News

Problems with zlib (content downloads)

A note for some Unix/Linux/OSX users: Content download will not work for users of zlib to (including) 1.2.4. Either downgrade zlib, or wait for the next release of zlib which is said to be expected in a few days. This issue affects all versions of OpenTTD that have content downloading, i.e. everything since 0.7.0.
Users of our precompiled Windows binaries are not affected by this.

OpenTTD 1.0.0

6 years. What were you doing 6 years ago?

In March 2004 OpenTTD 0.1 was released. Hardly a month later in April 2004 OpenTTD 0.2. And today, six years later... OpenTTD 1.0.0. It was a lot of work, hundreds of thousands of translations, tens of thousands of commits, thousands of graphics, hundreds of patches, dozen of sounds and musics, and one goal. How many people contributed? Dozen of artists, translators and developers, hundreds of testers and bug reporters, and also the thousands of players. Looking at the readmes and credit sections only gives a small hint. Some of those who were main contributors left long ago, and there are only a few who know them all and talked to them once via IRC or the forums. But if you consider all contributors, including those of the used libraries, and the external artists of OpenSFX... Well, then most likely not every contributor actually knows OpenTTD :)

So in the end, what was most fun in the past 6 years of OpenTTD? Playing? Contributing? Modding? Talking? Or just taking part in a large crowed moving in one direction? One direction? Well, at least in bigger scope :) But in more detail there were quite some parties involved in the process. Sometimes pulling in the same direction, sometimes maybe pulling in slightly different ones. Let's just mention some of the projects around OpenTTD which influenced it in this or that direction: The various integrated builds and patchpacks, first of all the MiniIN. Then the first Town Growth Challenge, TTDPatch, #openttdcoop, Goal Servers and the big patches (Subsidiaries, YAPF, YAPP, CargoDist, 32bpp & ExtraZoom). And not everything which made it into main trunk was happy sunshine, just to mention the first approach to Path Based Signalling, or the attempts around the AI.

But when looking back, most turned out fun. Thank you!

OpenTTD 1.0.0-RC3

Today we have released our third and hopefully last release candidate for 1.0.0.

OpenTTD 1.0.0-RC2

Today we have released our second release candidate for 1.0.0. We are working on removing all bugs in OpenTTD so we get an as stable as possible 1.0.0 release. Can you help finding and fixing these bugs? More information about this release can be found on the forum.

Title game 1.0 series

We have had many requests to update the introduction/title game of OpenTTD as it was 'too old'. As the title game is used for savegame compatability tests we did not want to do that, but as stable branches do not get much (if any) savegame changes we decided that for each stable branch we would get a different title game. The 1.0 series stable branch will be the first that will have a new title savegame.

The voting is now over and you can see the results on the forum.